Tag Archives: casual

“When the dog bites …

23 Jan

… When the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad”


Well, I guess that just like any other tranny out there I love high heels in general. Hell, I even like those cute short lil’ heels. But there’s just something about pumps that I tend to go crazy for in particular. Be they open-toed or closed, classically black or brightly coloured, lacqued or matte, pointy or rounded, I just love them all.
I’m guessing it’s the sexy look they give my feet that just wins me over. Nothing screams ‘fuck me’ more than a half-bare foot with just the barest little hint of toes showing through. Not that I will ever allow you to fuck me though. But in lieu of that just be in awe at the thought of me walking by in my pumps/skinny jeans combo.
Oooh, I’m getting a bit cocky ain’t I? : )


Purses, the most functional of accessories. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be pretty as well. And the smaller, the better I say. Needless to say that the smallness causes a little drop in functionality, but fuck it, I just love those cute lil’ impractical things : ).


I just luuuuuuuuv skinny jeans. They’re perfect for that casual look without having to suffer a dip in sexiness. Because however casual your outfit may be, skinny jeans will make you look like a fox. Figuratively speaking of course. Because looking like an actual fox would be kinda weird innit?


Well which girl, T or not, doesn’t love to have a bit of colour on her lips? I sure do.


While only being a merely functional step in the make-up process I do have to say I enjoy this part the most. I just adore the touch of that big soft brush on my skin (it’s so fluffyyyyyy). And my particular brand of powder has the most amazing heavenly scent you can imagine. It’s like a fancy brand perfume in a soft powdery form.
Powdering, for me, is an amazing stress-relief if I had a hard time making myself pretty. You know those days right? When you’re blotching eyeliner where it don’t belong, you botched your eyeshadow application, your lipstick skills makes your lips look assymetrical … in other words, you are reduced to nothing more than one big ball of stress.
For me that makes powdering off a relaxing conclusion to the make-up process that makes all the annoyances that went before dissapear like ice-cream before the sun. Though that’d be a waste of perfectly good ice cream isn’t it?


I’m a lazy bastard. No way around it. So whether it be with my girlfriend or when I’m on my own, I just love to watch some TV while stretched out on the sofa only barely conscious. And with a nice cosy blanket thank you very much.
I must admit it though, I sorta prefer it when I’m by myself as it allows me to be a lazy sod while being dressed up. Which makes it just a little nicer and cosier doesn’t it?


My favourite show on TV right now. It’s smart, funny and well written. The setting is realistic while still able to speak to the imagination and each of the characters is just as memorable and outstanding as the other making it hard to pick a favourite. That is if it weren’t for Jeremy Piven’s amazing portrayal of sarcastic super-dick Ari Gold. And no, he’s not a private detective nor is he well-hung as far as I know of. He just is an amazing dick of a man.
And I just love him for it.
Can’t wait for season 7!


A girl’s outfit is just incomplete without a bit of jewelry isn’t it? But I consider jewelry as more than just a finishing touch to my outfit. I just have such a fun time trying out all different kinds of jewelry and see which ones best fit my outfit.
That, and they make me feel very pretty of course.


Well, with me being a tranny a love for nylons is a given of course. I love them in all their different colours and patterns. Be they transparent or opaque.
They’re not just functional, they’re a fashion statement!


Without doubt my favourite colour. Especially when it comes to fashion. It’s a typical girly colour but I find it to be much classier than the usual suspect, pink. Which I like as well but it can look a little cheap at times.
A bit too Barbie for me.


The fashion hype of 2010 and hopefully still around for a whole lot longer because I’ll buy just about anything with a leopard print on it : D. I think I might even buy leopard print toilet paper should that exist.


There’s a lot of stores that I like to shop at for clothes but it’s UK retail chain New Look that really sticks out for me. They’re always on the cutting edge of fashion but more affordable than any of the designer brands. I can find either pieces for a classic, casual, hipster or high fashion outfit there. Any style I love, they’ve got it there.
I adore their accessories such as purses and jewelry as well. And their shoes … well, let me just say that the majority of my shoes are from there.


Be it a basic model or something a little more refined, boyshorts are undoubtedly my favourite sort of briefs. In my opinion they exude more class than a thong while still being sexy nonetheless.


A casual look, in my opinion, is far too underrated in the T-community and too often wrongly associated with slobby. When done right it can still make you look feminine and sexy as fuck.
And it’ll make you stand out in the tranny crowd for sure.


Yeah, laugh all you want but the Turtles are my favourite piece of childhood nostalgia. There’s just something about brightly coloured amphibious reptiles with ninja training that remains cool to this day. The original and darker comics on which the show is based are still amongst my favorites.


Despite a fond love for girly stuff I still have enough testosterone in my body to appreciate big-ass explosions, the spurting of blood, bullets whizzing around and generally just busting caps in random asses.
But I must say that the girl in me prefers her multiplayer of the nice and peaceful cooperative variation over the testosterone fueled macho-fest that is competitive deathmatch. Which is why Left4Dead is still a much played favourite in my gaming playlist.
That, and because of my undying love for all things zombie of course.