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It’s funny cause it’s true …

20 Jun


… they really are crap at knitting!

My brother brought me back this little souvenir from New York : ).

My ass

25 Mar


Before I really got into this whole crossdressing malarkey I had some major issues with my butt. You see, it’s not huge but rather big nonetheless and it pokes out more than a man’s ass should really. Imagine my enthusiasm when I discovered how great it looked in a skirt or skinny jeans. Uhuh, yeh! I was pretty stoked. Dayumn! I could not stop looking at those two perfectly formed orbs. All of a sudden that thorn in my eye turned into a godsend. “Bring on the friggin’ brownies dammit, I think my ass is getting slimmer!” Now if only that ugly chin would fall off then I might actually be content with myself.

P.S.: Ass pictured above does not belong to me.

The gaming tranny

22 Nov

Yesterday I played the latest Call Of Duty in drag. What? It was my first time playing a video-game in drag and I can’t share that with you guys?
Kinda funny innit? A guy in a dress playing a testosteron filled game like that. Must’ve been a pretty sight : D.
I’m really loving the game, it’s one hell of a rollercoaster ride although it seems kind of wrong to say that about a game based on real-life wars. Then again, Inglorious Basterds was also based on a real-life war and you couldn’t exactly take that seriously either. Developer Treyarch doesn’t really have the gameplay down as well as COD veterans Infinity Ward as they really drop the ball on that at times but when it comes to atmosphere, setpieces and story, Bam!, they’re right up there with Infinity Ward! In fact, they up the ante considerably.
Anyway, it sure was an interesting experience although I did have problems focusing on the game as I was so easily distracted because the dress and nylons felt so damn soft and snuggly : ).

Not really a girly game right? : )


I’m being stalked by dead rabbits …

27 Oct

… no seriously, I am. Two days in a row on my way to work. It’s still dark when I’m on my way to work which as you can imagine is the perfect setting for events of this horrific nature. So I almost arrive at my work and I have to cross this little hill. I go down this makeshift staircase and there it lay. A grey dead rabbit carefully spread out with eerie precision on the last step as to showcase it. Goddamnit! My heart nearly stopped. So that was yesterday, this morning, I’m walking down a road next to a farm and the streetlights have stopped working there for a while now so quite the moody setting for my next encounter with Mr. Not That Fluffy Anymore. So, I’m walking in complete darkness with a flashlight (yes, I actually carry a flashlight with me) aimed at the ground so I can see where I’m going. Bam! Same dead fucking rabbit! And not it’s not even close to where it was before. Some grim fucking bastard must be having some sick sort of fun moving that poor thing around. If I see that thing one more time I swear I’ll have a fucking seizure.

Scaredy-pants Fe

Television rules the nation

12 Oct

Hi all,

First of all, let me start off by saying that I love my TV. Television is probably the best invention ever in my book. A great friend during my childhood years and the love has only slightly faded.
So behold my ode to television.

My favorite people on TV

The comedy genius that is Larry David (Curb Your Enthousiasm)

Ari 'fucking' gold! (Entourage)

Favorite opening credits

Favorite nostalgia

Good times!

Aaaah, TV my good friend : ).


Live from the bar!

18 Sep

I’m shittin my skinny jeans that’s how fucking nervous I am.


Oh boyshorts!

20 Jul

Me, I just love boyshorts. They’re without doubt my favourite kind of panties. They hug the ass so they show off the roundings of your bum without saying “Have you seen my ass? Here’s my ass! Can you see it? It’s those two orbs with the shoelace in between”. Like a thong would then. I don’t dislike thongs, I have quite a few in my collection, I just prefer the classy subtleness of the boyshorts. I do however hate those shoelace thongs. Just don’t quite get what they’re about.

Hugs ‘n’ kisses,

Confessions of a powder junkie

16 Jul

I love the whole makeup process (even though I hopelessly suck at it) but my favourite part is without doubt the powdering. Sure, it doesn’t do much to the overal look except mattifying but I just love the feel of that big soft brush on my skin. And the smell, oh the smell, it smells so great. It brings a smile to my face. Honestly, it does.

Hugs und smooches,

Lather, rinse, repeat

8 Jul

Don’t know why but I always feel very uncomfortable when they’re washing my hair when I’m getting a haircut. Feels so wrong, like if the people who do your hair are your servants or something. So silly, I don’t want servants. It’s awkward.


Pajama party

21 Jun

Hi everyone,

I’m off to work again. Nothing like being on your way to some factory on an early shift to remind you of the fact that you’re actually a man. Oh ugly truth why do you taunt me so?
Sitting on a bus to work this early in the morning can lead to some strange thoughts. Well actually, I’ve been having this one for the last couple of days but the early hours wooziness somehow made it seem like a good idea to share this with everyone. How about this? Crossdresser Pajama Party! Crazy huh? Somehow this seems like a pretty awesome idea to me. Please note though that I said crossdresser pajama party and not crossdresser pajama orgy. Yeah, I just thought I’d blow this racy thought right out of the water for the pervs out there :). No, this’d be really innocent. Just a buncha CD girls doing each others (fake or not) hair and make up, talk about girly things, watch some Sex And The City, play Singstar and Rock Band. Not Twister though, that could lead to some awkward situations. But to give the pervs among you at least something to fantasize about there should be a pillow fight. Fun fun fuuuuun! Of course, real girls would be just as welcome.
Oh and never mind, I’ll be all doom and gloom again once the caffeine starts to kick in :).

Good morning,